My choices for browser addons

A web browser is something everyone uses but no one really thinks about. Sure, some people prefer Chrome or FireFox (myself being in the latter), or some even stick with the MS choice of Edge or IE. But what a lot of people don’t know, is there is a myriad of add ons, themes and plugins that make them so much more than just a browser. Some of these addons also provide extra layers of security. That’s where today’s discussion will be: The addons I run for security and privacy and what they do.

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Glasswire: First impressions and review

In the wide world of interwebs, there’s a lot of dangerous exploits, vulnerabilities and attacks that can happen regularly. With this also comes a vast number of trackers both online and built into Windows 10 itself. I’ve been looking for a new firewall program for sometime and did a free trial of Glasswire for 14 days a couple months ago. I enjoyed the application but couldn’t justify the cost (30/year at the time) for this app and decided to shop around for something potentially cheaper/better.

I ran into an application called NetLimiter. It was hailed as a cheaper replacement to Glasswire (specifically: a one time charge for the lifetime of the product with free updates for the current release). I tested this and was a bit disappointed with the interface and options. It’s a gorgeous GUI and tool, but didn’t quite have what I wanted. Back to Glasswire I went!

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Pi-hole: The dns blocker

” A black hole for Internet advertisements”. I’ll vouch. The amount of DNS blocks I’ve seen and how much snappier everything loads and runs has been an amazing improvement. PiHole is a software primary built for a Raspberry Pi 3 (or 2 I believe) and blocks known DNS entries of advertisers and trackers. It was a quick project to implement and has been working like a charm since.

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Overly Complicated Project: FTP backups on local network

With the revision of my Cloud backups from CrashPlan to Backblaze, I lost the ability to handle backups from a network share. There are complicated ways to install devices and make network shares work as local disks, but it seems like a mixed bag of results. I’ve had the idea for a while now and I decided to make it happen: FTP backups on my local network from any Linux systems and possibly Windows.

Goal: Backups to be as easy as possible and require little to no future proofing after install. Think I got it down.

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Backblaze backups: Initial impressions

Welcome back! I received an email this week from CrashPlan (CrashPlan for small business account) that they will no longer be supporting backups with such extensions as OVA, VMK, VMDK, etc. This knocks out several of my backups (OVAs are what I use from my ESXI system) and will make my online backups no longer effective.

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Hacker’s Toolkit (2019)

As part of the security work I’ve previously done, I keep several tools on hand when out and about for reconnaissance and data gathering. The last BSIDESROC convention reminded me about some of the tools I haven’t used in a while so I figured I’d go over what’s in the bag!

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Unleash the beast: New Gaming pc

With 2019 comes a new year and a new rig! I upgrade to a 1070 SC card recently and realized my second gen Xeon Sandy Bridge wasn’t cutting it (3.3GHz quad core, e3-1245). I was only using about 20-40% of the GPU under the heaviest load so the CPU was a massive bottleneck. It went downhill from there.

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