Latest Computer build: RAID fileserver and media center

Had the idea in my head for a while now about doing a fileserver build to put all my media in one place. This includes years of movies, music and TV shows along with about 100GB of music rips. The goals of this were pretty simple: Have some form of redundancy, most likely in a …

Monitoring System: Update 1

So I’ve been working with this project off and on, mainly off due to time constraints with a new work shift/promotion. I’ve split the logs and dashboard readouts to allow for easier pulling of individual data. What this allowed me to do was to couple this with WordPress using iFrame to load the individual pieces. …

First Impressions: Macbook Pro (November 2013)

Before I continue: I am NOT a fanboy nor do I push to use Apple’s products exclusively. I have an Android phone (Motorola X2) which I love, along with a Transformer 300T tablet. Onto the good stuff… Why would I consider a Mac when I’ve been a PC guy literally my whole life and swear …