Migrations, migrations…and SSL

I’ve wanted to use SSL for a while now on my sites to better encrypt traffic and logins on the site. Unfortunately doing this nuked my previous server and had to be restored from backups. As such… Welcome to a new webserver! I went through and migrated all hosts from this system to utilize SSL …

Overly complicated ideas: IRC command of servers!

A little background: I get these ideas once in a while that eventually come to fruition after a couple months of brainstorming and tinkering. I’ve had the idea for a while of having a central way to maintain my fleet of Linux servers I host along with Windows if possible. In the past, I used …

Most complicated home network ever…ever.

A little background: I’ve been building and tinkering with computers since I was about 12, when I got my own laptop and desktop both from garage sales and began swapping parts, doing OS upgrades from floppy disks and doing whatever I could to tinker with them. Fast forward almost two decades, and I’m still at …

Arduino Wireless Logging, Post Three: Mysql, PHP, and a little networking

Here’s where things started to get a little more complex. At this point, I have a wireless system to transmit data from multiple nodes to a central hub (node0) which collects and shows the data via serial connection. The general idea/goal is this: Arduino Nodes send data to central node Central node is connected to …

Arduino Wireless Logging, Post One: The Idea

I’ve had a number Arduino systems for some time now along with a large number of RF24 wireless modules and DHT11 humidity/temperature sensors. The idea I’ve had for some time is this: Arduino with a DHT11 sensor and RF24 wireless device pull then transmit data. Data goes to secondary hub/master Arduino using an RF24 module …